Home Safety Types of Tornadoes

The Differnt Kinds of Tornadoes

Do you know what kind of tornadoes there are. Well, if not then let me tell you about them. We all know that tornadoes are made by a vortex. You also know that a vortex is a rotating colum. But, there are diffrent kinds of tornadoes. These diffrent kinds also have diffrent measurings. That is the EF scale and the Fujita scale. But, back to the types of tornadoes. Tornadoes come from two main thunderstorms. The two main thunderstorms are a supercell and a non-supercell. Tornadoes that come from a supercell are the most common. They are also the most dangerous. A rotating updraft is the main part of developing a supercell, and eventally a tornado. An invisible "tube" is when rising air within the thuderstorm tilts the roataing air from horizontal to vertical.